What is an Abortion?

An abortion is a medical procedure to end a pregnancy. It is done by a licensed health care professional. It can be done two different ways: Medication abortion, which uses medicines to end the pregnancy. It is sometimes called a "medical abortion" or "abortion with pills." Procedural abortion, a procedure to remove the pregnancy from the uterus. It is sometimes called a "surgical abortion."

Why do people get Abortions?

You might feel that you need an abortion for any number of reasons. Some women feel like now isn’t a good time to have a baby, or they worry that they won’t be able to continue on in school. Other reasons women share:
-Get pregnant by accident and decide you don’t want to have a baby.
-Not have enough money or time to raise a child
-Not have the support of a partner or relative and decide you don’t want to raise a child by yourself
-Have personal problems with your partner
-Learn the unborn baby has a serious health problem
-Have a health problem of your own that makes pregnancy unsafe

Are Abortions Safe?

Abortions are medical procedures and like all medical treatment, there's a small risk that something could go wrong. The risk of complications increases the later in pregnancy an abortion is carried out. The most common risk is needing another procedure to remove parts of the pregnancy that have stayed in the womb. For the best outcome, we strongly encourage you to ask yourself these important health and safety questions before you take the next step or visit an abortion clinic or provider.

-Have you confirmed your pregnancy?
-Do you understand the risks involved in an abortion procedure?
-Did you investigate the qualifications of your potential abortion provider?
-How complications are handled?
-Is it okay to change your mind in the waiting room or even on the table prepped for your procedure?

How will I feel after my Abortion?

Caring for yourself after an abortion is important, you can expect to have a variety of side effects including Bleeding that lasts from 2–6 weeks, Discharge, and Cramping . Emotions feelings of relief, sadness, or depression are common and may be strong due to the hormonal changes that occur after an abortion. Most women find these feelings do not last very long, while others may experience them some time later. Your partner or parents may experience similar emotions. It can be helpful to discuss these emotions with your partner or parents. It is important have a support system to help you.
Abnormal Side Effects include: Prolonged Heavy Bleeding; Severe Pain/Cramps; Chills and fever of 101°or higher; Nausea, vomiting and/or diarrhea that lasts more than 24 hours; Depression that won’t go away. Still feeling pregnant (fatigue, morning sickness, or breast tenderness) more than two weeks after your procedure.

Can I change my mind?

Abortion Pill Reversal

Have you taken the first dose of the abortion pill? Do you regret your decision and wish you could reverse the effects of the abortion pill? Unplanned pregnancy can be scary and many women make decisions to abort when they are terrified and stressed. We know that after some time, many women change their minds about a chemical abortion. There is an effective process called Abortion Pill Reversal that gives your unborn child a second chance at life. IT MAY NOT BE TOO LATE TO SAVE YOUR PREGNANCY. There is help for you! CALL THIS 24/7 HELPLINE: Call or Text 1-800-712-4357